Mulch Near Me
Welcome to our blog! This section of our website is not meant to be academically correct; rather a place to share interesting information and stories related to what we do. What we do is quite simple - we offer an all natural mulch option from the Cincinnati, OH area. Pine straw has long been the mulch of choice across the Southeast, where it is plentiful and offers loads of benefits. Our goal is to make pine straw mulch more accessible and cost-effective to our neighbors, while improving the education of such a wonderful product!
We decided to leverage the almighty internet as a way to reach anyone looking for “Mulch Near Me.” Search bars…such a useful tool, isn’t it?! The amount of information we have at our fingertips these days is often inconceivable, but used the right way, we can quickly find a host of useful information to make informed decisions. Ok, pine straw is not leg pain, and is not WebMD, but the idea remains the same; offer relevant information for an appropriate audience.